When leaving the home of Eimar and Cecilia Franco, I almost missed this caladium, which was in a vase. I guess I've gotten used to seeing caladiums popping out of the ground, so I overlook things in vases. The leaves on this tajá (the local name for caladium) has that look of someone having just poured water over it. Not so. That ultra-shiny surface is part of its personality. As an added note to my almost stumbling over this plant, Cecilia told me that she collects caladiums. Now I can't wait to go back to see the rest of them.
That's very different looking. Whenever I see Caladiums, I think of the house I owned in Charleston with gardens brimming with them.
When I returned from the States on March 1, I brought you a package of caladium root - the package is still in Rio and I think I will keep it there - (bring them up to Friburgo and plant here) these photos show you have access to much better plants in your own back yard. GingerV
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