I don't expect anything less than a silent chuckle from my readers after they see this image. No "porn" meant. This is the real thing, a copaíba tree (
Copaifera multiguga) that has been tapped for its oil and then plugged for another day. I took this picture in the Tapajós National Forest a few weeks ago. We have copaíba at Bosque Santa Lúcia, but none that are being tapped.
Oh, that's fascinating. I never would have thought of people tapping and then replugging for another time. Sorry to write so much, but I'm catching up. My 86 year old mother is staying with me for half of each week now and she requires a lot of assistance, so I play catch-up when I can. Your posts are always so interesting.
I am growing Copaiba langsdorfii here. I have five seedlings myself, and have distributed some seed to the University of Miami Gifford Arboretum for research. Although it will be a few years before we can tap into the Copaiba, the seedlings are strong and made it through the winter witout difficulty.
Parabens pelo BLOG!!!
Esta muito interessante e bem feito.
Eu sou um apaixonado, desde infancia pela floresta.
Sou natural de Porto Alegre/RS e atualmente vivo nos Emirados Arabes Unidos.
Um forte abraco,
Marcelo Cunha
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