Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let there be light

Well, it looks like I'll have to change that message posted on the bathroom mirror at Bosque Santa Lucia; the one that warns visitors "in need" that there's no electricity or water on the premises. I have to admit that few people ever saw the note because once they closed the door behind them, it was much to dark for them to see. In the same message I asked people to flush the toilette with a jug of water, but few ever got to the task. Most people just wouldn't say anything after looking in vain for the flush cord on the empty water box. More concerned folks would discreetly ask me how to flush the toilette. There are a few days of the year when we have cruise ship traffic at the Bosque and the bathroom is the most popular place in town. Things can get messy real fast, so on these days I hire a neighbor to do nothing but look after the bathroom; that is keeping the toilette flushed and the place clean. Last week we hooked up to the new power line that's been under construction since the beginning of the year. Wow! We can now see all the dust accumulated on wood samples, and everything else. We also see a few frogs hiding out in what were once dark corners of the buildings. To celebrate the occasion, my kids gave me the lamp you see in the attached image. It's so much nicer than the glaring light bulbs on the ceiling. The lamp is the work of local artisans, who are gifted in the use of natural resources. My lamp is made of the sheathes (upper part of the lamp) of a palm tree, bamboo and wild vines. As you can see, it's a very simple lamp, but very striking in what was once a rather dark environment.

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