Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Acerola (Malpighia glabra) does very well in the tropical savanna around Santarem because it likes slightly acid and well drained soils. The fruit provides some income for people who sell it in the market places and to the juice companies. Brazilians love natural fruit juices and acerola is one of their favorites. Although it's not a native to Brazil, some people refer to it as Brazilian cherry. I've heard some enthusiasts say that the vitamin C content in one berry is equivalent to a whole orange! I've planted some acerola plants at the Bosque but I don't expect them to do well. Our high plateau soils are heavy in clays and don't drain well at all, which makes for a very unfavorable environment for acerola. The samples of fruit and foliage shown in the image are from a tree here in Santarem, located almost next to the Dom Amando High School. We can buy the frozen pulp at any supermarket.

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