While on the topic of big tropical leaves, let me post this one for cauaçu (
Coccoloba latifolia), one of the largest I've ever seen at Bosque Santa Lúcia. The tree is a very slim one that normally finds some support from a larger tree. The higher it gets, the larger the leaves become. The leaves in the image are at about three meters high. They are big, but they get much bigger. I've never measured them but my guess the largest ones I've seen are 70-80 cm. I'll put that on my "do list".
I'm growing Coccoloba pubescens and C. rugosa from Puerto Rico, and have ordered some seed of C. belizensis (from EBay), but this sounds in a different league.
BTW, would you mind if I introduced your blog to the group? I ordinarily let members introduce themselves, but I don't want anyone to miss these great plants.
Barry, many thanks for the very kind introduction to your groups. I think we'll enjoy sharing images and knowledge about flora. I must confess that I won't be able to respond to requests for seeds and plants. Bio-piracy laws are quite serious here and being a foreigner, I could get tossed out on my ear. Nevertheless, I look forward to communicating with our members. All the best.
No worries about seeds, we (the members of the group) are aware of Brazil's policy, and would not want anyone to get into difficulties. Your photos and information are really remarkable, and a pleasure for us all to enjoy. Feel free to contribute, whenever you wish.
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