Travelers who visit the Nossa Senhora de Conceição Cathedral in Santarém are always impressed with the very distinguished trees on the other side of the street. They, no more than a dozen of them, have that look of being very old and something you might expect to find on the banks of the Amazon River. I could never find anyone who knew the name of trees, so likewise, I could never answer the inevitable question from clients, "What kind of a tree is that?" I didn't stay awake at night pondering the issue, but from time to time I would ask locals about the trees. One day someone told me that they were
Benjaminas. Darn it! I should have figured that out long ago. They are
fig trees,
Ficus benjamina, which is an exotic from somewhere in Asia. As described in a blog post last month, the tree is a favorite for planting on the streets of Manaus and Santarém because it provides lots of shade and it's a "clean" tree, meaning that it doesn't shed its leaves profusely like most of the other species. It also has dense foliage, which makes it a natural for pruning into artistic shapes. Now there are lots of these fig trees around Santarém but I never saw them equal to the ones in front of the cathedral. I can only assume that these are much older.
1 comment:
Have you ever seen a Ficus Benjamina with a braided trunk?
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