I'm not running out of blog material at Bosque Santa Lúcia, but I decided to add three more labels to my Tropical Biodiversity theme, those of
Amazon River,
Tapajós River and
Santarém. No justification needed, since visitors will have contact with all three long before making arrangements for a visit to the Bosque. They all fit "hand in glove", so to speak. I'll intermix all labels as I publish posts. A mere click on the label of choice will bring all the publications on that particular topic together for fast reference. I'm also hopeful that these additional labels will bring more readers to my blog. I'm thankful that I have a few faithful readers but I have to confess that not many people have "discovered"
Tropical Biodiversity. There are millions and millions of blogs on the records today and I dare say that most of us can't find our own blogs without the complete link addresses.
Image: A world of water as two of the largest rivers in the world come together right in front of Santarém. In the background is the Amazon River flowing into the Tapajós, which borders the Santarém waterfront. I took this picture in July of this year from the hillside park called
Praça Mirante.
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