I wonder if the long-horned beetle knew what it was doing when it "sawed" off this branch of my timbó (
Paullinia pinnata) vine. I've seen a lot of tree branches cut by the "carpenter beetle of the forest" but I've never seen one release so much resin as this one. Timbó is the original source of rotenone, a very strong industrial poison.
My goodness Steven!! If the bugs or animals eat this or get it into their stomachs somehow, can they die from it? I would think they would avoid it at all costs but obviously the beetle did not worry about it too much.
The resin is interesting - I've not seen that before in response to these beetles.
I couldn't really follow the discussion above.
Ted, many thanks for all your comments. Keep them coming. I follow your blog quite often. Wish I could write like you. Great stuff!
I could follow all those posts myself, but I gather they were spam for some sexy show. Not beetles, for sure. Smile.
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