Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bugs and assorted, continued

You'll need to enlarge the image to see the beauty of this moth, or whatever it is. I'm counting on Ted MacRae at Beetles in the Bush to help us identify the difficult ones. They're all difficult, I assure you. Nothing too difficult for Ted. If you've read the comments associated with my entries, you'll learn the real names of these small creatures and their natural history. Amazing stuff!


Anonymous said...

Yes, a moth - and an extraordinarily beautiful one at that! I'm not sure about the family, but it has the appearance of something in the slug caterpillar family (Limacodidae) - I could be wrong!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that iridescence reminds me of the tiny Pygmy blue we see here in Arizona, but it's way too furry to be a butterfly. I wonder what's the adaptive advantage of the striking color AND a warm coat . . . is it a day-flying moth?


GingerV said...

the colors look very simular to a hand knitted sweater I used to have - threw it away because of moth holes.... a common problem in N Friburgo.

Steven Winn Alexander said...

Ginger, good question. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

I don't know either, but I suspect not. Most moths, even brightly colored ones, are nocturnal.
