Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Aimar Franco

Friend and neighbor at Bosque Santa Lúcia, Eimar Franco passed away at the UNIMED Hospital in Santarém at 06:00 this morning at the age of 89. Eimar's book, O Tapajós Que Vi continues to be my favorite reading for historical narration of the Tapajós River and accounts of the Fordlândia rubber tree plantation as it was hacked out of the jungle back in 1927-1928. His account is a personal one, since he was actually there at the time. He and his family played important roles in the history then and later on in his life. http://notapajos.globo.com/lernoticias.asp?id=40428¬icia=Morre%20o%20escritor%20Eymar%20Franco

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